
A Manager’s Co-Pilot with Aydin Mirzaee – August 4th 2020

Episode Overview

Combine one hour-long meeting with a helping of unpreparedness, and just a dash of disorganization and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Enter Aydin Mirzaee, CEO of Fellow.app.

Fellow helps managers and their teams have better meetings, exchange feedback, and more.

Prior to Fellow, Aydin co-founded ottawa-based Fluidware in 2008, which led to the creation of two successful SaaS businesses: http://FluidSurveys.com & http://FluidReview.com. Fluidware was bootstrapped and grew to a $10M+ run-rate and over 90 people in staff. In 2014, Fluidware was acquired by SurveyMonkey (the world’s leading online survey company).

Aydin is also the co-founder of http://FreshFounders.com, a non-profit organization with the vision to foster a community of top entrepreneurs in the nation’s capital.

“For anyone who’s starting up it’s important to be focused and have a target. To understand your audience and what they’re looking for.”

In this week’s episode of the #StartupCanadaPodcast, sponsored by Mastercard and Ceridian, Aydin discusses the importance of making meetings work for you and your staff, and how to find the perfect manager’s co-pilot.

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