10 Organizations to Help You Export Your Business

Exporting and expanding to international markets is a key channel to grow your business. However, it often comes with challenges, including IP strategy, global supply chains, international marketing strategy, and more. If you’re thinking of starting to export but are struggling with where to start, we have compiled a list of the top 10 organizations across Canada with exporting resources and support. You can also view a full list of resources in our Startup Global Resource Guide.

1. Export Development Canada (EDC)

EDC is a Crown corporation dedicated to helping Canadian companies succeed on the world stage. They equip startups with the tools they need, including trade knowledge, financial solutions, equity, insurance, and connections. EDC has a number of financing programs, including the Investment Matching Program, Working Capital Guarantee, and Inclusive Trade Investments Program. They also have a number of resources and blogs covering a variety of trade topics.

Learn more about EDC

2. Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)

FITT is the global standard for international trade training and certification. FITT offers the only international business training programs and related professional designation (CITP®|FIBP®) endorsed by the Canadian government. They also have a number of resources dedicated to export-import training and growing your business abroad.

Learn more about FITT

3. Trade Commissioner Service (TCS)

Part of Global Affairs Canada, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) is a network of more than 1000 trade professionals working in Canadian embassies, high commissions, and consulates located in 161 cities around the world and with offices across Canada. TCS offers a number of services and resources as you enter new markets and also offers trade missions to select countries to allow you to explore new markets.

Learn more about TCS 

4. Trade Accelerator Program (TAP)

TAP is a one-stop-shop accelerator program that will get businesses ready to go global in just a few sessions, culminating with a customized strategic export business plan carefully vetted by top industry experts. Graduates of TAP also have the opportunity to enroll in their one-day Executive Certificates program, also known as TAP Advanced Trade Certificates. These sessions offer specialized training for companies that have experienced significant growth following their participation in TAP and are now facing challenges in further expansion.

Learn more about the Trade Accelerator Program

5. Mitacs Entrepreneur International

Mitacs Entrepreneur International offers a travel grant to Canadian startups that are housed in an academic-institution-linked incubator or accelerator to connect them with host incubators abroad and explore new business development opportunities in international markets. Unlock access to up to $5,000 in funding to connect with a host incubator in an eligible new target market.

Learn more about Mitacs Entrepreneur International

6. Startup Canada’s Startup Global Program

Startup Global offers support to Canadian entrepreneurs who are looking to expand their businesses internationally. From webinars to export readiness resources and exclusive offerings from a network of partners, this free program will help you build an international market entry strategy and plan. 

Learn more about Startup Global

7. Startup Canada and UPS Women Exporters Program

Last year, Startup Canada teamed up with UPS Canada to launch the Women Exporters Program (WEP). WEP is a global initiative that helps to bridge the gender gap in education and export participation by providing targeted assistance to women-owned small- and medium-sized businesses. Through a series of webinars and workshops, entrepreneurs gain access to free resources around supply chain management, international marketing strategy, customs, and more.

Learn more about the Women Exporters Program

8. Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters (I.E. Canada)

I.E. Canada is a national, non-profit organization representing importers and exporters. They are committed to ensuring that trade regulations, policies and processes allow businesses to import and export efficiently. I.E. Canada is a trusted facilitator between business and government to inform and influence outcomes of policy and real-world application for the movement of goods across international borders.

Learn more about I.E. Canada

9. Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME)

CME works with over 2,500 leading manufacturers from coast to coast to help their businesses grow. They partner with businesses to strengthen their competitive advantage by building knowledge and capacity in key areas, like LEAN and productivity; trade and export; energy and environment; leadership development; safety and more. CME has the ear of all levels of government in Canada and in key markets around the world. They actively work to influence and recommend effective policies that will allow manufacturers to compete at home and abroad. 

Learn more about CME

10. Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFO) 

TFO is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve lives by creating sustainable trade partnerships for exporters from developing countries with Canadian and foreign buyers. TFO Canada assists small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Trade Support Institutions (TSIs) from developing countries in accessing international markets through information, advice, and contact services. 

Learn more about TFO


While the journey to exporting your products and services can seem daunting, there are many organizations and resources to support you throughout your journey. You don’t have to navigate through your challenges alone! For access to more resources and support, check out our Startup Global Resource Guide and subscribe to our Startup Global newsletter, where we send monthly updates on funding opportunities, resources, and programs.